Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New Adventure Time

A new adventure is long overdue! We picked up new travel partners and are meeting in Vegas, but Vegas sucks, or so I've heard, so we're driving north in search of old mining ghost town ruins for a week. I'm (Eva/Erin) coming from Seattle, Kelly/Di from DC and Julian/Ada and Lucy/Beth from Chicago. Julian drove through some years ago and saw some cool old ruins, and that's all I know about how this started. Originally we planned for summer, but everyone knows the best time to drive hours into mountainous desert with friends that have sketchy definitions of limits is Christmas Day. I'm particularly excited about the blistering cold because I'm a delicate PNW flower that gets freezer burn after 15 min exposure. Though I am marginally disappointed I couldn't convince everyone to camp.

SO. Driving to Ely tonight, where we will maybe actually plan the rest of the trip.
Ghosts! Towns! Rocks and minerals! Snow! Desert! Creepy motels! Beth and Ada! Snakes! Cacti! Swimming! I packed my swimsuit. And headlamp.

Also, thanks, Moms and families, for letting us go on adventure!

See you guys soon!!
<3, Eva